Sonic 4

Hello. My name is Steve. I am interested in unreleased games, like Sonic Xtreme and Super Mario 128. So, a couple of days ago, I was watching Sonic Xtreme videos and after watching one video, a video on the side caught my attention. It was titled “Sonic 4 - Unreleased Sega Genesis Game (DOWNLOAD)”. Out of curiosity, I clicked on it. The video was simply a black screen telling me to read the description, and so I did, finding a link to a MediaFire download of a Sega Genesis ROM for the alleged Sonic 4 prototype.
I was a bit skeptical at first, thinking that it could have been some sort of virus, but after downloading and scanning the file, it seemed like it was completely safe according to my anti virus software. I loaded the game up in Kega Fusion and began to play. The usual Sega screen with Sonic running past the logo came up with the “SEGA!” jingle playing after it. The “Sonic Team Presents” screen came up as well and then it went to the title screen, showing the usual title emblem and Sonic popping out of it. Below the emblem was the words in the Sonic font, “SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 4”.
I pressed start and it went to a save file select screen (similar to the one from Sonic 3). The playable characters were Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy Rose. I started a save file with Sonic and Tails. The screen faded to black and came back, showing Sonic standing on the tornado being piloted by Tails with Knuckles flying with them.
Suddenly, lazer beams were shot at the plane and it crashed on Green Hill Zone. The typical title card that most of the Sonic genesis titles have appeared, reading, “GREEN HILL ZONE ACT 1”. The level was basically a somewhat modified version of Green Hill Zone. The scenery was that of the good ending of Sonic 1 with the colorful bouncing flowers and such.
After finishing the first act, it went onto the next. Half way through the level, Eggman’s machine appeared and put Green Hill Zone on fire (similar to what it did in Angel Island Zone in Sonic 3). Though after the screen cleared, I saw horrifying things. The animals you free from the badniks were burning alive and melting and Tails was dead with his twin tails missing and his eyes gooping out from their sockets.
Despite all this, I decided to continue. The rest of the level was very hard, lots of spikes and dangerous hazards were everywhere. I made it to the boss battle, which was with the Tails Doll. I tried damaging him, but it just bounced me back. He grew sharp claws and slashed Sonic to death with blood splattering everywhere. “Can You Feel The Sunshine?” began to play, only it was backwards, distorted, and demonic sounding.
My computer then blue screened and a clawed doll hand reached out for me. I screamed and ran for my life, but tripped and fell down the stairs. I began to bleed very badly due to the fall. The last thing I saw were those lifeless, soulless eyes of the Tails Doll. I woke up hours later in the hospital. My neighbors apparently heard the commotion and called the ambulance. They found me knocked out unconscious with a broken computer upstairs in my room.
I was now relived, thinking it was all over, until I saw out of the corner of my eye, the Tails Doll, staring and watching me with an evil grin.